How To

Maintain PC Windows

Maintain PC Windows

I will tell you some different tips to maintain your PC Computer windows. These tips excellently work on every window such as windows 7/8/8.1/10/11. You always need to maintain our computer windows. It will help you to run your programs faster and make them easier. There are many advantages of maintaining a window. These tips are given below. By working on these tips your computer or laptop windows remain active and in good condition. It will also help you to run a program very smoothly and fastly.

  1. Clear Your PC Junk.
  2. Uninstall Useless Programs.
  3. Control Windows Startup Programs.
  4. Remove Windows Crapware.
  5. Run Windows Defragmenter.
  6. Run Windows Chkdsk.
  7. Keep Your Windows program updated.
maintain computer windows health
maintain computer windows health

Clear PC Junk Files.

You need to set up a time to clear your computer system’s junk files. It just depends on how much you use your computer. you need to decide it to clear junk files every week or every month. You need to Install a good or a paid Computer Windows cleaner. It can help you clear your computer’s junk files. After this, your PC remains fresh and active and runs smoothly.

Junk files are created when you do some work on your computer. such as installing a program or some other installation work. These extra files make your computer system slow and it can take a long time to start a program. This is the first step to keeping your windows active and fast.

Uninstall Useless programs.

You also need to uninstall a useless program permanently from your computer. First of all, you go to your PC control panel and then click on UNINSTALL A PROGRAM. A page opens here you can delete a useless program or a useless app from your computer permanently.  After doing this your PC space remains free and your PC system remains light. Because of unwanted programs or deleted from your computer.

By doing this task your computer system remains light and becomes at high speed and it works very fastly. You just need to uninstall unwanted programs from your computer through the control panel every week or every month. This is the best and easy step for You to maintain computer windows active and updated. After this window becomes faster than before.

Control Windows Startup Programs.

You also need to check the windows startup programs every day. You do not need to use many startup programs. I also have a single startup program in my computer system. This can make your computer system after and your computer windows remain in good condition. A lot of startup programs can damage your computer windows. if thy damage your windows you will need to reinstall your windows again.

In this case, all accounts are lost from your computer. Now by avoiding these problems, you need to install only 1 or 2 startup programs in your computer system.

Remove Windows Crapware.

If you Installed new windows in your computer system or a laptop. You just need to exercise your windows from all crapware. which are installed on OEM machines. this can make our windows active and your computer windows remain safe from some different and harmful bugs. That produced In windows.

New users who buy a new computer usually do not know this issue and their windows expire in a few weeks or a few months. and they become sad that their windows get damaged from different viruses and different junk files.

Run Windows Defragmenter.

You also need to defragment your computer disk. this can get some improvements in your computer and is windows. The window provides some defragmenter to make your disk fresh and makes it faster and its speed remains constant. this can make your hard drive fast and also maintain your PC windows.

You can run this program in windows background. You can also use defragmenter software you can also buy this software online for its better work and better performance.

Run Windows Chkdsk.

This is good work to check your hard drive for errors. It is software that is builtin into Computer windows. This software is called Chksdk. it means Check Disk. In windows, ten Microsoft installed this software already when you install a window. when you install a window this program already exists in computer windows. This Software can check your disk for bugs, errors, junk files, and some other defaults.

This can make your hard drive active and faster and it can run smoothly and it works faster than before. Now you need to check your Chkdsk after some time. This is a very good and easy work for windows to keep them in good condition.

Keep Your Window Program Updated.


The last step is to keep your all windows program updated. Computer antivirus, Software, Browsers, and other installed software must be updated. You should also need to clean your computer externally to remove its dust and clean it.  This also affects your system average.  This is very helpful for you to maintain your computer and its windows.

Do these all steps carefully, Hope after this your Computer windows remain fresh and active even after a few years of use.

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